Massive Foam Blob Overtakes Streets of Santa Clara (Video)

Mess originated at company testing fire suppression system, according to police

A white Christmas came early for those living in San Jose, California, when testing of fire suppression foam at a plant went wonky, sending a wall of suds bubbling throughout nearby streets on Friday.

The foamy mess originated at Signature Flight Support near the San Jose-Santa Clara border, where the company was testing its emergency fire suppression system, according to Santa Clara Police.

Video shot by local news teams showed the foam spilling out entrances and vents, thick and deep enough to cover cars. A hazardous materials team was sent to the scene with a San Jose fire crew to clean up the mess, Fire Battalion Chief Drew Miller said.

Although the roads were coned off to prevent traffic in the area, there were those who could not resist the temptation to have a little fun, as evidenced by below.
