‘American Idol’: Top 13 Finalists Are Set

Did your favorites make the cut?

Heejun Han, Colton Dixon, Phillip Phillips and Skylar Laine are among the "American Idol" contenders who made the cut into the top 13 Thursday, in a bloated, two-hour episode that included few surprises.

The complete top 13: DeAndre Brackensick, Hollie Cavanagh, Dixon, Han, Jermaine Jones, Skylar Laine, Joshua Ledet, Shannon Magrane, Phillips, Jeremy Rosado, Jessica Sanchez, Elise Testone and Erika Van Pelt.

The top 10 vote getters from Tuesday and Wednesday's live performance shows were announced first, then six contenders who had been cut — all chosen by the judges — were invited to "sing for their lives," with each judge choosing one of them to round out the top 13.

Also read: 'Idol' Ratings Fall: Are Viewers 'X'-hausted?

Judge Jennifer Lopez chose Rosado, whose wildcard performance of "Idol" winner Carrie Underwood's "I Know You Won't" had brought her to tears, while Randy Jackson chose Van Pelt and Steven Tyler picked Brackensick.

One bummer ouster from Thursday: Reed Grimm, who memorably performed the "Family Matters" theme song during his audition, was one of the judges' six wildcard performance picks, but didn't ultimately make the top 13.

The top 13 begin live performances next week, with the female contestants performing Whitney Houston songs and the male contestants performing the songs of Stevie Wonder during a two-hour episode on Wednesday.

Watch video of Rosado's performance:
