“The Price Is Right” host Drew Carey and “Late Late Show” host Craig Ferguson pulled a switcheroo on viewers this April Fools’ Day, taking over each others’ gigs for a day on Tuesday.
In a clip discussing the prank, Carey appraises Ferguson’s stint on the long-running daytime game show as “fun and genuine.”
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“It was really fun and genuine; and he cared about the contestants, he was really excited when they won,” Carey said of Ferguson.
“It’s really a great feeling; it’s surprising. I was like, ‘I’m not gonna care,’ but you really care!” Ferguson enthused.
For his part, Carey is using the prank a least partially bag on Ferguson’s profession.
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“Growing up, I always wanted to be a talk-show host, but then something happened to me: Success,” Carey cracks to the audience on the “Late Late Show” stage during his guest-hosting stint.
Catch a glimpse of Ferguson and Carey trading places in the video below.
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