Jon Stewart Takes Stance on President Obama’s Changing Illegal Immigration Stance (Video)

“Daily Show” host is not quite joining the talking heads squawking about the president “shredding the Constitution”

Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart took both the White House and its Republican opposition to task Monday over their stances on illegal immigration.

The Obama administration has flip-flopped on the president’s role in governing the divisive subject, while the GOP wants to take matters to the extreme — including threatening impeachment — if the nation’s top executive signs an Executive Order on immigration reform.

Obama wants to allow the parents of children who are U.S. citizens — a.k.a. “The Dreamers” — to remain in the country and obtain work permits. An estimated five million people would see their deportations halted under the order.

“Is that really what the Dreamers want? I don’t recall any of my teenage dreams involving my parents staying,” Stewart joked. “‘Oh good, legislation was passed so I can spend more time with … mom.’”

In protest, Republicans are threatening another government shutdown or even an attempt to oust Obama. To prove the point, “The Daily Show” cut to a montage of right-wing talking heads screaming about the so-called leader of the free world “shredding,” “destroying,” or “ignoring” the Constitution — not exactly a new conservative talking point.

Then Mitt Romney said one of the most ironic things that have ever been uttered during the current president’s two terms.

Watch the video:
