‘Star Wars’ Comic Reveals Origin of C-3PO’s Red Arm in ‘The Force Awakens’ (Photo)

J.J. Abrams-directed sequel does not explain why venerable droid was sporting colorful new appendage

Star Wars the Force Awakens

“Star Wars” has finally answered one of the biggest questions fans had after watching “The Force Awakens.”

The recently released “Star Wars: C-3PO Number 1,” a Marvel comic book by James Robinson, Tony Harris, and Joe Caramagna, reveals how C-3PO got that red arm.


In the comic, 3PO and several other Resistance droids crash land on a planet with a captive First Order droid named Omri, who possesses information vital to the Resistance.

Eventually, the other droids die, leaving 3PO and Omri alone on the planet, with 3PO losing an arm in the process. They discuss the role of droids in the galaxy, including an exchange about droids getting their memories wiped. In a touching scene, 3PO recalls flashes he has of past experiences, including the events of the prequel films.

Ultimately, Omri decides to sacrifice himself in order to save 3PO, who recovers one of Omri’s arms and decides to attach it to himself as a tribute.

Take a look at one of the panels from the comic below, and then check out more here.

c 3po red arm
