Watch a Dinosaur Dominate ‘American Ninja Warrior’ Course (Video)

A man dressed in a Tyrannosaurus Rex costume surprises hosts by maneuvering through the obstacles with great agility

trex american ninja warrior

A Tyrannosaurus Rex came surprisingly close to becoming an “American Ninja Warrior.”

In an episode airing tonight, a man attempts the obstacle course while wearing a dinosaur costume, and the audience loves it.

“You’re kidding me. This T-Rex is dominating,” one of the hosts said over loud cheers from spectators watching in Atlanta, Georgia, where the show is filmed.

The contestant in the T-Rex costume showed enormous agility as he went through the individual obstacles. He made it past the block run and the “big dipper,” but his tiny arms lost grip on the spin cycle, making him fall into the pool below.

However, he took on the warped wall anyway, and took one big leap to complete the obstacle.

According to Verge, the man inside the suit was Reko Rivera, who had previously competed on “American Ninja Warrior.”

Watch the video below.
