Stephen Colbert Exposed: Al Gore Says He’s a ‘Character’ (Video)

Al Gore accidentally reveals Stephen Colbert may be acting on "The Colbert Report"

We all know Stephen Colbert isn't really a "well-intentioned, poorly informed, high-status idiot," as he once described his persona.

But most of us don't say so, Al Gore.

The former Veep turned up on last night's "The Colbert Report" to chat about global warming and his Current TV climate reality special.

But when Colbert asked Gore about his Current TV cohort, Keith Olbermann, telling Gore that the frequently-shouting Olbermann scares him, the chatty environmentalist responded with an accidental confirmation that Stephen Colbert, or rather, "Stephen Colbert," has reason to be afraid.

"He scares Fox News and he scares your character, absolutely, as he should," Gore said.

"My character?" Colbert replied. "What the hell are you talking about, sir?!"

Check out the rest of the clip below, for Gore's explanation that his reality TV project made him say it, and Colbert's teasing suggestion that Mr. Gore needs to focus more — or maybe less — on reality TV.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
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