Anna Wintour Makes James Corden Eat Bull Penis (Video)

Vogue editor drops sick Donald Trump burn to avoid pickled pig’s feet on “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts”

It’s hard to picture Dame Anna Wintour eating super-exotic, disgusting foods — but that is exactly what James Corden tried to make her do Wednesday on “The Late Late Show.”

The CBS personality hosted the Vogue editor-in-chief to a dinner party of his own in the latest installment of “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts.” She got off super-easy, however, as Wintour only had to take a bite of some bacon-wrapped pizza.

Such a terrible fate, we know.

Fast food was added to the table for this episode only — apparently, the cheap and quick stuff is Wintour’s worst nightmare. The classy journalist and socialite got out of eating the only actual gross option she was presented with — pickled pig’s feet — by coming up with a sick Donald Trump burn on the spot.

On the other end of the revolving furniture of grossness, Corden had to eat bull penis. Yes, again.

We’d say he lost the game. Watch the video above.
