Another ‘Spider-Man’ Deferred: This One on Broadway

Troubled production of Spidey musical pushed off until fall while finances are cleaned up

Spider-Man, Turn off the Dark,” the $50 million Broadway musical by Bono and The Edge, is back on – but not until fall 2010, the New York Post reports.

The show, the most expensive in Broadway history, was supposed to open in March at the Hilton Theater. It ran aground when David Garfinkle, its inexperienced and inept lead producer, failed to come with the money. Bono’s longtime business partner, Michael Cohl, stepped in to clean up the mess. (Read more at the Post.)

On Monday, Sony announced that its ‘Spider-Man 4’ plans had been scrapped in favor of a franchise reboot that would include an all-new cast, director and focus.

