Bill O’Reilly chimed in on the horrific school shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon on Thursday by suggesting that gun policy won’t stop these tragedies.
“It is our freedom that allows insane individuals to kill so many people,” the Fox News host said.
“Guns are legal in America under the Second Amendment… the mass murder today could not have been prevented by any legislation in my opinion,” he continued, adding that the Roseburg, Oregon area where the shooting occurred is “gun country” because of the prominence of hunting.
O’Reilly concluded that there’s no amount of gun control will stop gun carnage: “There is no rational explanation for all the carnage, none. And no public policy will stop it.”
TV news networks are offering what’s become the routine coverage of mass shootings, with many hosts and guests calling for stricter gun control on one side vs. more conservative personalities echoing O’Reilly’s sentiments.