Julia Quinn, author of the hit “Bridgerton” series, is grieving the loss of her sister Violet Charles and their father Steve Cotler. They were killed in a car accident last week after being hit by a drunk driver in Utah.
Quinn confirmed the news on her Facebook page Wednesday, posting a photo of her sister and father together alongside a touching tribute.
“I have lost my father and my sister,” Quinn wrote. “Because a catering company did not secure their load and canvas bags spilled onto the highway. Because a pickup driver thought nothing of driving while his blood alcohol level was nearly 3 times the legal limit. I have lost my father, and I don’t have my sister with whom to grieve.”
Charles was a noted cartoonist. In January, she showed some love for her sister’s “Bridgerton” series on Instagram, posting cartoon versions she had drawn of the Bridgerton characters. Her service dog Michelle was also killed in the crash.
Their father was also a writer, penning the middle grade “Cheesie Mack” series. According to Quinn, Cotler “took particular delight in being ‘the most embarrassing dad ever.’”
Quinn also revealed that she and her sister teamed up to create a graphic novel, dedicated to their father. “It will still be dedicated to our father. It won’t be a surprise anymore, but I’d like to think he suspected we’d do it. He knew us so well. He was our dad,” Quinn added.
See her touching tribute below: