Stephen Colbert is as bummed as Charlie Brown this year, so CBS animated its “Late Show” host into a classic Peanuts cold open last night.
On Tuesday, the seasonally depressed Colbert bumps into Santa Claus, who told the Jimmys’ Fallon and Kimmel competition that he voted for President-elect Donald Trump.
“It was the only thing Donald wanted for Christmas,” St. Nick explained. “My hands were tied.”
Though Trump was indeed on the “Naughty” list, Santa had to make an exception this year.
“He said he’d bring coal jobs back, and I need that coal to drop in the naughty kids’ socks,” the leader of elves added. “Do you really want to live in a world where the naughty don’t get punished?”
“No,” Colbert replied, “just where they don’t become president.”
Watch the video above.