David Letterman on Jay Leno Transition: ‘How Will This Affect Me?’ (Video)

The CBS late-night host cracks wise about the "Tonight Show" changing of the guard

David Letterman didn't wait long to weigh in on the news that Jimmy Fallon will replace Jay Leno as the host of "The Tonight Show."

"Late Show" host Letterman spends considerable time reflecting on the transition during Wednesday night's episode, at one point jokingly wondering, "[H]ow will this affect me?"

Also read: Why Jay Leno Can't Reclaim 'The Tonight Show' This Time (Probably)

"[A]s with everything in life, all I really care about is how will this affect me?," Letterman cracked during the show's Act II segment from his desk. "That’s all I really care about."

Letterman then addressed "Late Show" musical director Paul Shaffer and asked, "And, Paul, is there any way NBC can push me out of this job? Can they do that? I don’t know…"

Also read: NBC Omits Conan O'Brien From Leno Exit Announcement

Naturally, Letterman spared time for Leno in his monologue as well, comparing the "Tonight Show" changing of the guard to the recent election of a new Pope.

“How many of you folks earlier today saw the white smoke coming out of the chimney at NBC?" Letterman cracked. "Anybody see that?”

Letterman also made light of Leno's previous "Tonight Show" departure, noting, "But NBC, God bless ’em, announced the official date for Jay Leno‘s departure — no mention of his official date of return, however.”

Also read: Jimmy Fallon Replacing Jay Leno on 'Tonight' Next Spring, NBC Confirms

And a recent target of Leno's own barbs — NBC's ratings — found its way into Letterman's monologue Wednesday.

“I happen to know Jay’s got another job on a network that has greater viewership, higher ratings — Univision," Letterman mocked. "He’s going there.”

Letterman's nightly Top 10 segment was likewise devoted to Leno. The late-night host rattled off his "Top 10 Things We'll Miss About Jay Leno," including, "Can't remember the name of the bit, but it's the one where Jay is walking."

Watch Letterman have a laugh at Leno's expense in the video.

