Watch Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo Lose It When Lemon Comes Out as ‘Openly Black’ (Video)

There’s nothing like seeing two grown men giggle

You might want to sit down for this news — CNN host Don Lemon came out to Chris Cuomo as “openly Black.” Who knew?! And, yes, the mock confession set the two pros off in uncontrollable giggles.

All the silliness was in reaction to a Friday op-ed on Dan Abrams’ website Mediaite that is titled “Don Lemon’s Remarks About Trump Voters and The Klan and Nazis are a Slap in the Face to 74 Million Americans.” The piece praises Lemon for saying Donald Trump supporters are on the same side as Nazis and other alt-right supporters, despite a headline that suggests Christopher was criticizing Lemon. Writer Tommy Christopher wrote, “Lemon — who is openly Black — responded by telling Cuomo that ‘if you are on that side you need to think about the side you’re on.’”

The “only Black” comment sent Twitterverse into hysteria. Later in the day, during the bumper segment between Friday’s installments of “Cuomo Prime Time” and “CNN With Don Lemon,” Lemon said solemnly, “I have a confession. I have an announcement.”

“It’s just between us. Go on,” Cuomo replied.

“I am Black,” Lemon said. Cuomo asked, “Openly?” Lemon answered with a straight face, “Openly Black.” Cuomo’s eyes widened and he said, “Wow. I don’t know what to say.”

The guys couldn’t hold it in any longer and busted out laughing.

Check it out in the clip above.
