‘The View’s’ Whoopi Goldberg Rips ‘Dummy’ Trump: ‘You Can’t Badmouth an Entire Country’ (Video)

This time The Donald insults our neighbors to the north

Good thing Donald Trump is running to lead America, because he’s officially now burned both countries with which we shares borders.

“What kind of people do we have running for office? It’s — honestly — really, really dishonest,” Trump said at a Tuesday event, questioning the integrity of main GOP rival Ted Cruz. “Do you know why? Because he was born in Canada!”

“You can’t badmouth an entire country, dummy,” Whoopi Goldberg shot back Wednesday on “The View.” “What’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t understand why you don’t get this part,” she continued Trump-bashing. “You can’t just label people with a big brush.”

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Trump accused Cruz of stealing the Iowa Caucus, by misleading registered Republicans in the important state.

In a flurry of tweets on Wednesday morning, Trump said, “Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!”

“During primetime of the Iowa Caucus, Cruz put out a release that [Ben Carson] was quitting the race, and to caucus (or vote) for Cruz,” he continued. “Many people voted for Cruz over Carson because of this Cruz fraud. Also, Cruz sent out a VOTER VIOLATION certificate to thousands of voters.”

So, that’s why the ex-reality TV host is peeved today.

The shot at Canada comes months after Trump now-famously ripped Mexican immigrants, accusing them of doing all of — or at least a lot of — the raping in this country.

Back on ABC, Goldberg concluded that she believes people are(finally) “getting sick of” Trump’s antics — we’ll find out by November.

Watch the video above.

“The View” airs weekdays at 11 a.m. on ABC.
