Trump Insists He Turned Down Time for Person of the Year; ‘Yeah Right,’ Twitter Says

“Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year,” POTUS tweets. “I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!”

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Time Magazine has yet to announce who 2017’s Person of the Year will be, but President Trump wants you to think it was probably going to be him — except he turned the magazine down.

Time Magazine, however, is now essentially saying that never happened. “The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year,” Time said in a tweet three hours after Trump’s. “TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.”

Time’s Person of the Year is someone deemed to have had the most significant impact on current events over the last year (and not, per common misunderstanding, a statement of approval for the named person). While the magazine’s editorial board selects Person of the Year, since 1998 it has also held an online reader poll; this year’s poll remains open until Dec. 3.

Suffice to say, social media users were extremely skeptical of Trump’s statement long before Time Magazine weighed in, with many tweeting what amounts to “yeah, sure buddy” again and again. Read on for a sampling.

Still others pointed out that the idea Time would not allow him to be POTY unless he did a photo shoot and interview has no historical precedent. In fact, when Angela Merkel was named POTY the year before Trump, she did neither:

Incidentally, here’s how Trump reacted to not being selected as Person of the Year in 2015.

If Trump ends up being 2017’s Person of the Year, he’ll be only the second person to be named two years in a row. The first was Richard Nixon, who was POTY in 1971, and then shared the distinction with his National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger in 1972. We’ll have to wait until Dec. 6 to find out if Trump will get his first chance to follow in Nixon’s footsteps.
