A.J. Clemente — the Bismarck, N.D. news anchor who gained internet fame after inadvertently dropping an F-bomb during his first day and the job and getting fired — continued his media rounds Wednesday night, appearing on "Late Show With David Letterman."
During his interview with host David Letterman, Clemente admitted that he "crawled in bed" after the now-notorious incident.
Also read: A.J. Clemente Isn't Alone! 5 Other News Personalities Who've Cursed on TV
"I went home, crawled in bed and called my parents," Clemente admitted. "But the next day, you gotta pick yourself up, you gotta laugh at yourself and keep going."
Pressed by Letterman (who devoted his Top 10 list to Clemente's plight on Tuesday night) on whether he'd take his job back if his former station, KFYR, offered it, Clemente hedged — and probably bit off more than he could chew.
"I've thought about it, but if ESPN comes knocking…," Clemente told Letterman.
“Look, I’m trying to get you the job back in Bismarck, forget about ESPN," Letterman snapped back. "That ain’t gonna happen. You’re going back to Bismarck.”
Watch Clemente make an ill-considered grab for greater glory below.