‘Frozen’ Fans Ask Disney for Gay Elsa

And others beg the studio not to consider trending hashtag #GiveElsaAGirlfriend


Apparently, “Frozen” fans aren’t going to “Let It Go,” Disney — they really want Elsa to be gay.

Or, at least many do. #GiveElsaAGirlfriend became a trending topic on Twitter Monday morning, which almost immediately seemed to divide the social media network.

Those campaigning for such a plot want to see LGBT representation from a major character in a Disney movie — particularly a princess. Plus, “Let It Go” is already such an anthem in the community, and “Frozen” is already one of the more progressive Disney movies to-date.

Those against such a move seem to be protesting on grounds that “Frozen” is a children’s movie, and not the appropriate vehicle to take such a stance.

Below is a combination of those for, and those against the grass roots campaign. Readers can let us know where they come down in the comments section, or by tweeting @TheWrap with #GiveElsaAGirlfriend.





And some opposed:


