An animated "Game of Thrones" parody proves King Joffrey would be a lot more likeable if played by Michael Cera, but the show wouldn't be all that dramatic.
The "adorkable edition" of Cinefix's YouTube series, "Wrong Director," places Cera in HBO's hit fantasy series, along with Zooey Deschanel as Daenerys Targaryen and Aubrey Plaza as wildling Ygritte.
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Cera's Joffrey resorts to bumbling banter (with himself) while his mother, Cersei Lannister, demands he deal "swift, merciless justice" to an enemy of the throne.
Playing off of Deschanel's love for music and felines, Khaleesi is now the mother of cat dragons and rallies her army of slaves by strumming a folk song.
Plaza, as anybody familiar with her character on "Parks and Rec" would expect, does a lot of complaining as she climbs The Wall with Jon Snow.
Here's the alternate animated universe to "GoT" creator George R.R. Martin's vision: