(Spoilers included below. If you have not yet watched Thursday’s “Grey’s Anatomy,” stop reading now.)
The “Grey’s Anatomy” Season 10 finale doubled as Sandra Oh‘s final episode, turning up the drama and waterworks to the max. Nowhere was this more apparent than on Twitter Thursday night, where fans expressed sadness, gratitude and a uniformed appreciation of one singular quote from the episode.
Judging by the below sample, both Oh — who played Dr. Cristina Yang for 10 seasons — and show creator Shonda Rhimes must have had their Interactions pages blown up with thanks and praise. We’ll find out soon enough how well-received the season ender translated to Nielsen ratings.
Also read: ABC Renews ‘The Middle,’ ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ ‘Scandal’ And ‘Revenge,’ Cancels ‘Trophy Wife’ (Updated)
For now, here are some of the top tweets:
That was the most amazing thing ever!Thank you @IamSandraOh and @shondarhimes for letting us say goodbye to Cristina! #GreysFinale #ThankYou
— Ana Duarte (@AnaFSSDuarte) May 16, 2014
Wait, Greys Anatomy is still on? #GreysFinale
— sam leavy (@samleavy) May 16, 2014
If McDreamy and Meredith break up I will literally give up on life. #GreysFinale
— Saba Moges (@ohhey_sab) May 16, 2014
— Laura (@Lrbcn) May 16, 2014
No matter how terrible the season might be Grey’s NEVER disappoints on a season finale #GreysFinale #GreysAnatomy
— Corporate Chocolate (@bigsister_ALUM) May 16, 2014
That #GreysFinale was killer. Can’t stop thinkin about it!!!
— Caitlin McArdle (@CaitMcArdle) May 16, 2014
Glad they can still write someone off without killing them #GreysFinale #GreysAnatomyFinale #GreysAnatomy #FarewellToCristina
— Ashley Holmes (@butterflyarashi) May 16, 2014
Don’t mind me. Just sobbing of Christina Yang leaving. #GreysFinale
— Caitlin Long (@caityinyong) May 16, 2014
My mind was seriously just completely blown with that season finale #GreysAnatomyFinale
– Laurie Thompson (@_lauriethompson) May 16, 2014
A little concerned about how emotionally attached I am to a fictional character.. This farewell to Christina episode is too much #greys
– Amanda Grant (@amandagraant) May 16, 2014
Just watched #GreysFinale OMG Ellis & Richard had a DAUGHTER?!?! Meredith is gonna FLIP THE F*%K OUT!!!!!
– Mandy Harenza (@Triquetra331) May 16, 2014
“Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need. He’s very dreamy, but he’s not the Sun – you are.” #GreysFinale #FarewellChristina
– Stephanie Senciboy (@senciboy7) May 16, 2014
“Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need. He is very Dreamy but He is not the sun, you are” #GreysFinale
– Sophie St-Geours (@SophieStGeours) May 16, 2014
“don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need. he is very dreamy, but he is not the sun. you are.” #greysfinale
– amy jandreau (@amyjandreauxo) May 16, 2014