A gunman was arrested after making his way into the control room of Dutch news station NOS on Thursday.
BBC News reports the well-dressed gunman was armed with a pistol and a list of demands, including 10 minutes of airtime on the channel. Armed guards ultimately overpowered the man, who had a silencer on his gun.
NOS’s Twitter reports the gunman also came equipped with a letter:
“In de brief die de man bij zich had, werd gesproken over explosieven”, aldus @nosbink. Mede om die reden blijft het NOS-pand nog dicht.
— NOS (@NOS) January 29, 2015
Translation: “In the letter the man had with him, talked about explosives,” said nosbink . Partly for this reason the NIS building remains closed.
During the dangerous encounter, NOS ceased broadcasting its evening programming, broadcasting the following: “In connection with circumstances, no broadcast is available at this time.”
No shots were fired before the gunman was arrested. It’s not yet clear what he wanted to say on-air.