‘True Detective’ Trailer: Michelle Monaghan Explains the Breaking of ‘Good Man’ Woody Harrelson (Video)

As for partner Matthew McConaughey: he didn’t have much goodness to lose

HBO has released yet another trailer as part of its promotional blitz for the “True Detective” premiere, this one told from the perspective of Martin Hart’s (Woody Harrelson) wife, Maggie (Michelle Monaghan).

“Marty was a good man when I met him,” Maggie voices over the trailer. “He was still a good man most of the time.”

The clip’s titled “Tested” refers to how the job confused Marty. “It brought out the worst in him,” his wife opines, layered above haunting scenes.

See video: HBO’s ‘True Detective’ Trailers Tease Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson Backstories

“Tested” continues to push the diametric opposite between Martin and partner Rust Cohle (Matthew McConaughey). Cohle, on the other hand, was “maybe the least confused person” that Maggie had ever met, she says — though not without his own problems.

“True Detective” premieres on HBO on Jan. 12.

Watch the trailer:
