‘Is Hillary Clinton Republican?’ Is No 4 Google Search Query on Candidate Today

Sadly, Americans are still a little clueless heading into Election Day

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You’d think after an epic-length presidential campaign that Americans would be clued into some of the basics about candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

You’d be wrong.

According to Google Trends, the fourth most searched question about Hillary Clinton in the last 24 hours is this: “Is Hillary Clinton Republican?”

For the record, she’s the Democratic nominee — though some of her left-leaning critics have argued that she could practically be considered a Republican with some of her more centrist positions on certain issues.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are represented this year by real estate mogul and former reality show host Donald Trump.

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Google Trends also reports that the top question about Clinton in the last day is “Who is going to win the election, Trump or Hillary?” followed by “How many emails did Hillary delete?” and “Why vote for Hillary?”

The who-is-going-to-win question is the most-searched query about Trump as well, according to Google Trends, followed by “Where is Trump right now?” and “Can Trump win the Presidency?”
