“Last Week Tonight” didn’t air Sunday, but the magic of YouTube meant that John Oliver could get in his two cents about the week’s biggest news, anyway.
See video: John Oliver Rips on Hobby Lobby and Supreme Court in Searing Segment
Despite the massive Supreme Court decisions and world turmoil, Oliver has been in America long enough to know that the most important headlines were about 4th of July and the countless fireworks displays that lit up the Friday night sky.
Oliver, it seems, is not all that impressed with colorful explosions, and also thinks that Americans are in a little bit of denial about the silly routine that marks our independence day.
See video: John Oliver Dedicates Show to Uganda’s Brutal Anti-Gay Laws — And America’s Responsibility
“And that’s what makes America great: The ability to wholeheartedly embrace excitement, while letting disappointment and failure slip away as quickly as you can.”