Katie Couric Gets Insta-SLAMMED After Kim Kardashian Dig

Kim Kardashian delivers a digital smackdown after Katie Couric questions her family's fame

Memo to Katie Couric: Do not talk ill of Kim Kardashian, unless you are ready to face the consequences.

Veteran news-lady Couric felt Kardashian’s digital wrath on Friday, after questioning the validity of the Kardashians’ fame.

Also read: The Kardashians Trumped Up a Lawsuit for Sake of Their Reality Show, Court Papers Claim

“I don’t understand — why are they so famous?” Couric wondered in an interview with In Touch, published online Thursday. “I think it’s mostly teenage girls that are interested.”

That didn’t sit well at all with Kim Kardashian, who posted an Instagram photo of a gift that Couric had given to Kardashian’s new daughter. Along with a couple of telling sentiments, in hash-tag form.

Also read: Kris Jenner Fires Back at Obama Over Kim Kardashian-Kanye West Diss

“#IHateFakeMediaFriends,” one message read. Followed by, “#MayIHumblySuggestYouNotSendGiftsThenTalkShit.”

Oh to the snap. Guess Kardashian won’t be dropping in on Couric’s talk show anytime soon.

