The morning weather forecast on Los Angeles CW affiliate KTLA was cloudy with more than a chance of hissy-fit on Monday.
Veteran weatherman Henry DiCarlo brought his own storm to the air earlier this week, after producers saddled him with both an on-location interview and a forecast.
Unable to adequately multitask with the time allotted to him, DiCarlo huffed, "When you send a weatherman out to do the weather but you’re also sending him out to do a story, you might want to give him a little extra time. But that’s just me."
DiCarlo then made an abrupt exit off-camera, his mood amply summed up with a thousand-watt scowl. The best part? As the weatherman stomped off, a Salvation Army sign bearing the seasonal message "God Bless You: Sharing Is Caring" sat behind him.
Clearly caught off guard by DiCarlo's meltdown, anchorman Chris Schauble quipped, "Maybe we'll give him a little cheese to go with that whine."
DiCarlo has gained no small amount of online notoriety for his fit, but he appears to be taking it in stride. Wednesday morning, the on-air personality posted a screen cap of a story covering his bout of crankiness on his Facebook page.
"20 years in the business and it takes a meltdown on live tv to make todays AOL homepage! I should have done this years ago," DiCarlo wrote in the caption for the photo.
Watch DiCarlo's moment of viral-video infamy below.