The Salmon Cannon from Whooshh Innovations is saving the unusual upstream spawning process of the river fish, and now — thanks to John Oliver — it is completely disrupting Hollywood productions.
The “Last Week Tonight” host was so enamored with the very real invention, that not only did he highlight it on Sunday’s show, Oliver and his staff built a salmon cannon of their own. He chose to test the fish firearm on HBO last night, and in doing so, infiltrated all sorts of film sets and TV shows.
Oliver’s first fired salmon hit his old boss Jon Stewart in the face during a report on the Middle East. The second shot — a medley of two salmon — interrupted a Jimmy Fallon “Tonight Show” “Thank You Notes” segment. Next up, a CBS soap scene was stuffed with salmon.
From there, it was on. Michelle Beadle of ESPN got hit with a fish, ironically while reporting on Houston Rockets center Dwight Howard getting hit by a fish. Seth Meyers was the following victim; and then Anderson Cooper and Rachel Ray. The fish then found movie stars, like Tom Hanks, who got belted while plugging the National Parks Service.
“The Simpsons” and “The Soup” got cannoned. Wanda Sykes was belted on Showtime, David Letterman had a salmon flop on his desk on “The Late Show.” Mario Batalli and Wayne Brady got theirs; Meredith Vieira got hers.
Next, J.J. Abrams and R2D2 got drilled by the salmon cannon on the “Star Wars” set. Then, “Modern Family” adopted some fishes to the face, Stephen Colbert was victimized, as was Kelly Ripa. Salmon even interrupted surgery on “Grey’s Anatomy.”
Watch the video: