Amazon Studios has greenlit “Panic,” marking the studio’s first foray into young adult dramas. Based on the The New York Times best-selling novel by Lauren Oliver, “Panic” takes place in a small American town where every year, the graduating seniors engage in a competition they believe is their one chance to escape. But this year, the rules have changed–and they must decide how much they are willing to risk in order to get out.
This is Oliver’s first television credit. She will serve as creator, executive producer, and will also write each episode. Besides “Panic,” she’s known for other YA novels including “Before I Fall,” which was adapted into a 2017 feature film starring Zoey Deutch, and “Delirium.”
“‘Panic’ tells a story aimed at young adults, but anyone would be pulled in by the compelling characters and high stakes drama brought to life by Lauren Oliver. She is a rare talent in her ability to capture this generation so authentically,” Amazon Studios head Jennifer Salke said.
“I am excited that Amazon is broadening its scope to include stories of emergent adulthood, and grateful that Panic will be among their first generation,” Oliver said. “This has already been my favorite kind of project: long, thrilling, challenging, and immensely transformative. And we haven’t even started pre-production!”
Olivia Welch starred as Heather in the pilot, while Mike Faist played as Dodge, Ray Nicholson played Ray, and Will Chase played Sheriff Kean.
“Panic” will be produced by Amazon Studios in conjunction with Glasstown Entertainment and Roth Kirschenbaum Films, with Joe Roth, Jeff Kirschenbaum and Adam Schroeder as executive producers. Lynley Bird of Glasstown Entertainment and Alyssa Altman of Roth Kirschenbaum Films will co-executive produce. Oliver’s deal was negotiated by UTA, Stephen Barbara of InkWell, and attorney Jamie Feldman.