Lee Abrams Gives Another Damn Interview (video)

Former Tribune Co. executive still wants to set the lewd e-mail story straight

Lee Abrams — the former Tribune Company executive who resigned earlier this month in the wake of a companywide e-mail he sent containing a link to a lewd Onion video ("Is This the 'Sluts' Memo That Got Lee Abrams Ousted From Tribune?") — is continuing his public rehabilitation campaign.

On Thursday, the video content site My Damn Channel posted a video interview with the ousted “chief innovation officer,” conducted with Abrams via webcam (from a rather creepily dark room, I might add).

And, as he has done various in interviews and more memos in the days since the scandal first broke, Abrams defended the memo while addressing the fallout — including a Hitler video mashup about his e-mail and the Tribune's troubles that went viral.

"The idea of [me] creating a hostile and/or sexist environment is just ridiculous," Abrams said. "You can only ask people who worked with me directly whether radio or Tribune. That one is just, I don't see that. I did speak my mind, but never in a hostile way. That's ridiculous."

Watch a clip of Hitler video below, and rest of the Damn interview with Abrams here.
