Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee reacted to the recent “Saturday Night Live” parody of his daughter, White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, saying, “I thought it was a little bit silly, sexist, misogynist, but my daughter is certainly capable of handling a whole lot worse than that.”
He continued, telling Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Co,” “The fact is it does not take away in any way who she really is… She is a great wife and an absolutely wonderful mother to three beautiful pre-school children and she is a generous and thoughtful person.”
Last week, Melissa McCarthy’s Sean Spicer returned to the White House Press Room on “SNL,” kicking out Sarah Huckabee Sanders to retake his job. Spicer started out the briefing by explaining that President Trump is innocent of Russian dealings “because he said so.”
Entering from the bushes outside the White House, “Spicer” blasted one journalist with a fire extinguisher after he asked Huckabee Sanders to take over Spicer’s job permanently.
“She’s not trying to replace Sean Spicer. She loves Sean, respects him, and has nothing but high regard for him,” Huckabee told Fox Business. Huckabee Sanders emerged as a household name last week when filling for the real Sean Spicer during a jam-packed news cycle.
Watch Huckabee’s Fox Business appearance here.