‘Morning Joe’ Visits Stephen Colbert to Bash President Trump (Video)

“The way he’s acted over the past month has made it even harder to call him Mr. President,” Joe Scarborough says

“Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough appeared on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” Tuesday night, boasting that President Trump watches his MSNBC morning show “based on his Twitter feed.”

Colbert opened the interview by admitting that he’s a regular viewer of “Morning Joe,” saying he refers to it as “Coffee Joe Morning and the Brew Crew.” Colbert asked how Scarborough’s co-host Mika Brzezinski is doing — then asked: “Are you guys co-hosting or are you the host?”

“She’s in charge,” Scarborough responded. He then earned cheers from the audience for discussing White House counselor Kellyanne Conway being banned from the MSNBC morning show for lying.

Scarborough claimed Trump has “watched the show for years” and joked that he’s currently transitioning from calling him Donald to Mr. President.

“The way he’s acted over the past month has made it even harder to call him Mr. President,” Scarborough said.

Scarborough, a conservative Republican, said that he doesn’t appreciate Trump questioning judicial review or the legitimacy of a federal judge.

“I think it’s incumbent upon my party especially to stand up right now and speak out,” Scarborough said. “Because I always say this about everybody that gets in the White House — you think you’re in the center of the world now, [but] you don’t own this place. You are renting this place out. The American people are letting you have this. The Republican party needs to know, there is going to be a time after Donald Trump and they are going to be judged for the next fifty years on how they respond to the challenges today.”

Check out the video above.
