Ouch! Oprah to Jay: Are You Being Selfish?

Promo for Winfrey’s sit-down with Jay indicates the Big O pulled no punches with the Big Chin

Jay Leno is speaking out on LateNightCrisis 2010, calling the last few weeks "a huge mess."

That’s according to a promo spot for Thursday’s "The Oprah Winfrey Show," in which Leno will give his side of the story to an outside interviewer for the first time. From the looks of the spot, Winfrey doesn’t flinch at asking Leno some tough questions.

"Did you ever think,’I’m taking away Conan’s dream’," The O asks Leno.

Also: "Did you ever ask yourself, ‘Well, am I being selfish?’"

Winfrey also tells Leno that Americans are "taking sides" and "a lot of people are not on your side."

Check out the promo here.


