‘Parks and Rec’ Star Nick Offerman Teaches Larry King How to Pop and Lock (Video)

The actor also answered probing questions from fans such as, "Have you named your iconic mustache yet?" and, "What do you like better: Woodworking or bacon?"

Nick Offerman is a man of many talents and put them on full display while appearing on Larry King's Hulu program, "Larry King Now."

The actor, who plays Ron Swanson on NBC's "Parks and Recreation" and can currently be seen in theaters as an angry father in "Kings of Summer," can not only grow one of the finest mustaches on television, but he's an expert craftsman with a piece of wood and can break dance.

See video: Nick Offerman Tells the Police to 'F–k Off' in Red Band 'Kings of Summer' Clip


As long as you consider the pop and lock a break dance move, which Offerman does, so yeah, he can break dance. He even taught 79-year-old King.

He also answered several probing questions from fans about his love for woodworking, bacon and outstanding facial hair, as well as inquiries about his favorite episode of his own sitcom, his favorite cut of meat, vegetables, acting and his most embarrassing moment.

The answer to the latter question? 

"Well, I once performed some popping and locking on a Hulu talk show, quite recently," Offerman deadpanned.

Watch the videos below, and keep an ear peeled for brief outbursts of Offerman's goofy laugh, which, apparently, is real and not just a characteristic of his "Parks and Rec" character. 
