People Have Jokes About Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Insane ‘Jewish Space Lasers’ Conspiracy Theory

Patton Oswalt, Rachel Bloom and more bring big laughs at the expense of the QAnon-supporting Republican congresswoman with a history of espousing racist views

Marjorie Taylor Greene

A lot of very funny people had a lot of funny jokes on Twitter Thursday night at the expense of U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia Republican whose resurfaced Facebook post caused the term “Jewish Space Laser” to trend.

Greene is well known for holding extremist, racist and antidemocratic political views and for promoting a litany of insane conspiracy theories, including QAnon. But on Thursday, an old Facebook post resurfaced by Media Matters revealed what may be her most insane — and most racist — conspiracy theory of all: that lasers controlled by Jewish people caused the deadly 2018 California wildfires.

And that led “Modern Family” Danny Zuker to crack: “Call me a Luddite but I’m perfectly happy with my Jewish Space Inkjet.

Yes, the recently-sworn in congresswoman really said that. In the now-deleted post, preserved by Media Matters, Greene wrote that there were “too many coincidences to ignore” regarding the fires, and opined that they weren’t a natural phenomenon at all. Instead, and we swear we aren’t kidding, she theorized that: 1) the Rothschilds, a wealthy Jewish family frequently mentioned by Nazis and other racist groups who advance horrific anti-Semitic conspiracy theories; 2) Teamed up with PG&E and the government of California; 3) To deliberately cause the fires using; 4) A laser from space; 5) In order to clear out land for a high speed rail line.

Greene, who has come under increasing scrutiny for her far-from-the-mainstream views, wrote that just two years ago. And lest you think we’re kidding, here’s a screenshot of the post, courtesy again of Media Matters.

Marjorie Taylor Greene anti-Semitic conspiracy theory
Via Media Matters

OK, caught up? Good. Now you know what “Jewish Space Laser” means. Freaked out? We get it. So we’re going to skip right to the very good jokes to help cheer you up despite knowing that that the sitting U.S. congresswoman, who was just given a plum committee assignment by her party even after her other extremist views came to light, wrote that.

First up, comedian Patton Oswalt, who really just owned the night with this joke you can literally hear in your mind.

Next, “Crazy Ex Girlfriend” co-creator and star Rachel Bloom made us LOL, literally OL, with this video clip poking fun at the scramble to write a bunch of parody songs inspired by “Jewish Space Lasers.”

“Difficult People” co-creator Billy Eichner had this gem:

And we’re always here for a Mel Brooks reference.

Read on for some more very fun jokes about this not very fun thing.
