Samantha Bee Gives Trump Advice: ‘Delete Your F—ing Account’ (Video)

“For the love of God, take the advice a woman gave you exactly one year ago,” comedian pleads

Samantha Bee opened up her show on Wednesday immediately taking on President Trump’s tweets directed to the London mayor after a terror attack over the weekend.

“At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is ‘no reason to be alarmed!’” Trump tweeted on June 4. Another post read, “Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who had to think fast on his ‘no reason to be alarmed’ statement.”

“What is wrong with you?” Bee exclaimed. “Were you just fulfilling your annual Ramadan tradition of hurling insults at grief-stricken Muslims named Khan?” This was in reference to comments he made about Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a soldier killed in Iraq.

“London does not need us to tell them to be scared, Pumpkin Spice,” she said. “They’ve been weathering invasions, attacks and dark wizards since before America even existed.”

She then launched into “Fox and Friends,” — or as she called them “quivering couch lice” — which echoed the president’s sentiments about the terror attack.

“Trump is the only senile old man in the world who’s actually correct that the TV is talking to him,” she said.

In the end, for Bee, there was only one course of action.

“For the love of God, take the advice a woman (Hillary Clinton) gave you exactly one year ago,” Bee said. “Delete your f—ing account.”

Watch the full clip above.
