Shia LaBeouf‘s latest performance art piece is literally all about the ups and downs.
LaBeouf and his collaborators, Luke Turner and Nastja Säde Rönkkö, are hanging out in an elevator for 24 hours for a project entitled #ELEVATE. The trio boarded the lift at EC Oxford in the U.K. at 9 a.m. on Friday and will exit at the same time on Saturday.
Riders on the elevator can ask questions or simply engage in conversation. One man told LaBeouf about his experience with racial segregation in Chicago, to which LaBeouf replied, “Chicago is a racist f–king town.” The whole event can be viewed live on YouTube.
This is the latest performance art piece by LaBeouf. The actor and his collaborators most recently did a piece called #TouchMySoul. The four-day project involved LaBeouf taking calls from the public.
LaBeouf also invited the public to watch a live-stream of him in a marathon screening of all of his movies — no sound, no commentary, just LaBeouf facing the camera as he took in his life’s work.
That performance was for an art project called #AllMyMovies, and he watched films ranging from “Breakfast with Einstein” to box office hits like “Transformers” and “Holes.”