Stephen Colbert Takes Over Anderson Cooper’s Stormy Daniels Interview (Video)

And he almost pukes — twice

Anderson Cooper did a pretty good job interviewing porn star Stormy Daniels on Sunday’s “60 Minutes,” but Stephen Colbert just took it up a notch.

Editing himself into the conversation with the woman who says she had sex with a married Donald Trump more than a decade ago, Colbert asked all of the questions the “AC 360” host was too classy to pose.

For example, in this version, Daniels tells Colbert that Trump’s penis looks like a combination of a decorative gourd and a circus peanut. Shortly thereafter, Colbert dry heaves at the now-President’s apparent pickup line.

It wouldn’t be the only time the CBS comedian nearly puked.

Later, there was also a new spin on the Trump-Daniels “Shark Week” viewing party. And the button — what we in the biz call a scene’s outro joke — is a solid (but dated) “Jerry Maguire”/Netflix joke.

Watch the video above, audience.
