Ted Cruz Says He’ll Serve With Roy Moore, But Al Franken Charges Are ‘Serious Problem’

Needless to say, the double standard casually uttered in a single breath set the Internet ablaze

Texas Republican Senator did his best Thursday night to politicize the ongoing national conversation over sexual misconduct, telling Fox News’ Neil Cavuto that he would be happy to serve alongside Alabama Republican Roy Moore but added that the charges against Sen. Al Franken (D-Minnesota) were “a serious problem.”

“Do you think [Roy Moore] should be thrown out if he is [elected],” asked Cavuto, a longtime Fox News anchor.

“If the voters of Alabama choose to elect him, for some Washington politicians to say we don’t care what the voters say?” Cruz said, shaking his head in disbelief. “This is an issue that the voters have in front of them and they’ll make a decision and we need to respect the will of the voters.”

But of course that forgiving stance did not extend to his Democratic colleague Franken, who is facing a series of accusations of sexual misconduct which are not as serious — or as criminal in nature — as Moore’s.

“These allegations are serious and they keep coming up every day more and more and more allegations,” said Cruz without missing a beat. “I think the count is five women who allege groping. That’s a serious serious problem and I think it’s something that we’re going to see debated quite a bit more.”

Needless to say, the double standard casually uttered in a single breath set the internet ablaze.

“Remember when we were all hoping to get Cruz to challenge Trump? He didn’t do it because he was hoping to capture Trump’s voters,” wrote Tom Nichols, an author and college professor. “And he’s still trying.”

Other commenters were similarly perplexed.
