Trump and Adam Schiff Trade Barbs on Twitter: ‘One of the Biggest Liars and Leakers’

Dustup is latest Trump Twitter spat to make headlines

trump adam schiff
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President Donald Trump was in a feisty mood Monday morning, blasting Democratic Congressman “Little” Adam Schiff, who he called a “liar” and a “leaker.”

“Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper!” tweeted Trump. “Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!

For his part, the Democratic congressman fired right back at Trump, mocking his reportedly frequent use of “executive time” to watch television.

“Mr. President, I see you’ve had a busy morning of ‘Executive Time,’” said Schiff, adding, “Instead of tweeting false smears, the American people would appreciate it if you turned off the TV and helped solve the funding crisis, protected Dreamers or…really anything else.”

As the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Schiff has been a consistent thorn in President Trump’s side as his party has pushed the Russia collusion investigation closer and closer to the West Wing. Schiff also led the Democratic drumbeat against the president’s decision to release the controversial Nunes memo, which alleged misconduct at the FBI.

The latest Trump imbroglio may have been set off by something he saw on television. The Schiff blast from Trump came around the same time the president tweeted praise for his favorite morning show, “Fox & Friends,” and subtweeted some unnamed lesser hosts on other networks.
