The publication date for Michael Wolff’s Trump administration tell-all “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” has been moved to Friday, Jan. 5, “due to unprecedented demand,” publisher Henry Holt & Co. said Thursday.
The book was originally slated for release on Tuesday, Jan. 9.
“Due to unprecedented demand, we are moving the on-sale date for all formats of ‘Fire and Fury,’ by Michael Wolff, to Friday, January 5, at 9 a.m. ET, from the current on-sale date of Tuesday, January 9,” a Henry Holt spokesperson told CNN on Thursday. Booksellers were notified earlier in the day.
Wolff’s book tour will also begin early with an appearance on NBC’s “Today” show Friday morning, CNN reports.
The decision to move the book’s release date up by four days came shortly after Trump’s legal team sent Wolff and the publisher a cease-and-desist letter.
Wolff responded on Twitter, saying “Here we go. You can buy it (and read it) tomorrow. Thank you, Mr. President.”
Trump’s letter accused Wolff and Henry Holt and Co. of actual malice, saying it “can be proven by the fact that the Book admits in the Introduction that it contains untrue statements,” and that it “appears to cite to no sources for many of its most damaging statements about Mr. Trump.” It also says “many of your so-called ‘sources’ have stated publicly that they never spoke to Mr. Wolff and/or never made the statements that are being attributed to them.”
Trump sent a similar letter to former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on Wednesday, who is quoted in Wolff’s book.
Excerpts from the book have been published in several outlets, including New York Magazine, GQ and The Hollywood Reporter, and it is already the No. 1 seller on Amazon, thanks to pre-orders.
The book includes several revelations about the Trump White House, and quotes Bannon blasting Trump Jr.’s decision to meet with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer at Trump Tower during the campaign in 2016 as “treasonous” and “unpatriotic.”