Trump Ignores German Chancellor’s Request for Handshake at White House (Video)

The two leaders met on Friday

Donald Trump didn’t extend a hand to German Chancellor Angela Merkel for a customary shake during a photo op at the White House on Friday morning following a meeting between the world leaders, who have conflicting views on a variety of subjects.

When reporters asked for a handshake, Trump did not respond.

Trump also made headlines last year when he didn’t shake hands with Hillary Clinton prior to a presidential debate.

The president has been insulting the German Chancellor for years —  he once told Piers Morgan, “What Merkel did to Germany is a shame.” Since assuming office, Trump, has given world leaders long handshakes: he made news last month when he held Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s hand for an extended period of time. Abe appeared relieved when the 19-second handshake ended.

Robin Gieseler, a fourth-degree black belt at the Reslon Gracie Academy of Jiu-Jitsu, recently put out a video that teaches you how to turn Trump’s handshake into a goose neck wrist-lock. In the video, Gieseler stresses he is “not suggesting that you do this to the President.”

The Washington Post published a story mocking Trump’s recent handshakes with Vice President Mike Pence and Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch, titled:  “Trump and the art of the super-awkward handshake.”
