Trump Warns North Korea: US Military ‘Locked and Loaded’

POTUS tweets, “Hopefully Kim Jong Un will find another path!”

donald trump kim jong un north korea
Getty Images; CNN

President Trump took to Twitter on Friday morning to warn North Korea that military solutions are “fully in place, locked and loaded” as tensions continue to escalate.

Trump said earlier this week the U.S. would unleash “fire and fury” on North Korea if the country continued to threaten the U.S. On Thursday he doubled down on his comments, saying at a White House press conference that his rhetoric might not have been harsh enough.

North Korea recently announced a detailed plan to attack the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam, which is a significant military hub and home to many U.S. bombers. Earlier this week, Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis issued a statement threatening North Korea.

“The DPRK must choose to stop isolating itself and stand down its pursuit of nuclear weapons,” Mattis said, referring to North Korea. “The DPRK should cease any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people.”

Mad Dog’s statement came less than 24 hours after Trump’s “fire and fury” comment.

Trump also tweeted this week that the United States’ nuclear arsenal is far stronger and more powerful than ever, but added, “Hopefully we will never have to use this power… There will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world.”
