Al Franken Resignation Draws Divided Response, From ‘Finally’ to ‘Sad Day for Minnesota’

“Finally, we are free of all sexual predators in the U.S. government,” “Silicon Valley” star Kumail Nanjiani tweets after the senator’s resignation announcement

Al Franken
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Al Franken announced his upcoming resignation from the Senate on Thursday morning, after more than a half dozen women accused him of sexual misconduct in the past several weeks — and Twitter, as usual, immediately weighed in on the event, with very differing opinions.

“Silicon Valley” star Kumail Nanjiani, always ready with his two cents, tweeted: “finally, we are free of all sexual predators in the U.S. government.”

Comedian Ryan Broems joked “with Al Franken out of the picture, Trump eagerly endorses Jared from Subway as his immediate replacement.”

And speaking of zingers, Donald Trump Jr. tried to use a line from Franken’s “Stuart” character on “SNL”: “… because I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and God-darnit people like me. #Franken.”

Minnesota Rep. Betty McCollum was more somber, saying it was a “sad day for Minnesota.” McCollum added Franken has “been a friend and an ally on the issues that are most important to Minnesota families.”

CNN reporter MJ Lee noted Franken didn’t apologize “to any of the women who have accused him of harassment — in the same speech in which he said ‘all women deserve to be heard.’”

Franken found time in his speech to rib President Trump and Roy Moore, however.

“I of all people am aware that there is some irony in the fact that I am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape of his history of sexual assault sits in the Oval Office and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls is campaigning for the Senate with the full support of his party,” he said.

Business Insider reporter Josh Barro said “enforcing high ethical standards” and booting Franken will end up serving Democrats in the long run.

Vox founder Ezra Klein said Franken’s resignation “creates a precedent that will likely engulf many of his colleagues.”

Conservative heroine Ann Coulter tweeted Franken invented a “new form of apology: Quote Wellstone, trash Trump, and never say the word ‘sorry.’”

Singer Mikel Jollett pointed to Franken leaving office and juxtaposed it against Roy Moore staying in the Alabama senate race. “Don’t tell me there’s no difference between the parties,” said Jollett.

Franken woes first began last month when radio host Leeann Tweeden wrote that the comedian groped and forcibly kissed her while the two were on tour with the USO in 2003. Six more women came out and accused the democratic senator of misconduct in the weeks after. He said on Thursday he’ll be leaving the Senate in the “coming weeks.”
