James Corden Turns His ‘Impeachment: American Crime Story’ Recap Into a Weight Watchers Ad (Video)

Sarah Paulson’s Linda Tripp and Beanie Feldstein’s Monica Lewinsky are big fans

James Corden announced he’d joined the “Impeachment: American Crime Story” fan club on Wednesday’s “Late Late Show” and recapped the first episode for viewers who have yet to jump on the bandwagon. But while he was giving everyone a synopsis of the Ryan Murphy-created anthology’s Monica Lewinsky-Bill Clinton scandal installment, he also managed to slip in a plug for a company near and dear to his heart: Weight Watchers.

“There’s a lot of ’90s references, but sometimes, they’ll reference something that you didn’t know was a ’90s reference because it is something that has really endured across the decades, showing how truly great the product actually is,” Corden said, before cutting to an actual “Impeachment” scene between Monica Lewinsky (Beanie Feldstein) and Linda Tripp (Sarah Paulson), where the two former White House employees discuss the lacking quality of the meals at their new place of work, the Pentagon.

“I just wish I’d brought from home,” Lewinsky says. “Weight Watchers makes these amazing meals you can microwave.” Tripp adds: “I have seen those at Safeway.”

Corden then cuts back to himself, and a promo image of him with the Weight Watchers, now known as WW, logo.

“Weight Watchers,” the “Late Late Show” host says with a smile. “Brew the love. Sorry, that’s a different–,” he says, confusing the Keurig slogan with the WW’s tagline.

Corden goes on to say that “dieting back then seemed a little easier” based on the first episode of “Impeachment,” “because from what I can see, the food in the ’90s looks like s–t. “

James then cycles through several images of microwaved meals, plastic-looking cheeseburgers and a baked potato from the series premiere of “Impeachment.”

“That might honestly be the first time I’ve ever looked at a cheeseburger and thought, you know what? I’m good. I’m alright,” Corden said.

Watch Corden’s “Late Late Show” bit via the video above.

“Impeachment: American Crime Story” airs Tuesdays at 10/9c on FX.
