Weinergate: The Best Jokes by Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and More (Videos)

Anthony, you’ll be missed — especially by the late-night hosts who squeezed a lot of laughs out of your wandering libido; here’s the cream of the crotch-shot

With Rep. Anthony Weiner's resignation, we also bid adieu to some very good jokes.

As Weiner slips into the sunset — don't worry; he'll probably resurface with his own cable news talk show in a month or so — let's look back at some of the late-night routines that, sadly, we won't be seeing again.

Also read: Congressman Weiner Is a Sex Addict — I Know, Because I Am One

June 2: "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart grapples over whether to crack wise about Weiner, a friend, as angel Tom Brokaw and devil Don Rickles battle for his conscience. Finally, Stewart punts to Weiner himself, imploring the congressman to come clean by way of a hilarious slow jam:



June 6: David Letterman commemorates Weinergate via his daily Top Ten list, on this evening dubbed, "Top Ten Questions to Ask Yourself Before Tweeting a Photo of Your Deal":

June 7: Weinergate spills its first (and hopefully only) blood, as Stewart cuts his hand on a broken margarita glass. Meanwhile, Jimmy Fallon applies his impersonation skills to spoofing Weiner's press conference:

June 8: Stewart declares himself "repulsed" to find out that his program has played a prominent part in one of Weiner's Internet exchanges. He asks: "You want me to cut my wrist again?"

June 9: Conan O'Brien takes a prop-oriented approach to mocking the increasingly disgraced congressman, as an unfortunate minion is made to dress as Weiner's underwear and dispense jokes about Weinergate:

June 10: "Real Time With Bill Maher" host Bill Maher and guest Jane Lynch deliver a dramatic reading of Weiner's sex chat with Las Vegas blackjack dealer Jill Weiss:

The print media provided his own laughs with headlines playing on the politician's pun-friendly name. The New York Post, masters of such wordplay, wrung the most juice out of the Weiner situation, offering a barrage of chuckle-inducing headlines such as "Battle of the Bulge: Weiner Exposed"; "Weiner: I'll Stick it Out" and, when President Obama suggested that the lawmaker should resign, "Obama Beats Weiner." But the New York Daily News also got in on the game, delivering such gems as "Weiner's Pickle" and "Gym Randy." CNS News, reflecting on House Speaker John Boehner's reluctance to enter the fray, coughed up, "Boehner Won't Bite on Weiner."

Meanwhile, CNN offered this perhaps-unintentional on-screen gem: 
