WGA Awards Add New Media Category

The WGA has added two new writing categories to its awards, both in new media

wga logoTwo new categories have been added to the annual Writers Guild Awards.

The awards are in writing original and derivative (work based on an existing, tradtional media piece) new media created between December 1, 2009, and November 30, 2010. 

"These new awards pay tribute to their talents and to the diversity of work being done under Writers Guild contracts,” said WGAW President John Wells.

As defined by the WGA, new media includes the internet, mobile devices, and any other established platform. Only work that was written and produced under a WGA collective bargaining agreement and for which the Guilds have determined the writing credits may be entered for consideration. The submission deadline is 5 PM PT on Tuesday, November 23.

The 2011 Writers Guild Awards will be presented on Saturday, February 5.



