I almost missed it. Yet there it was.
A few sentences buried within a series of quick takes in the Sept. 17, 2011 issue of the Los Angeles Times reported on Charlie Sheen's recent "Today Show" and "Tonight Show" interviews as "Charlie Sheen's New Outlook."
It's interesting that the media that relentlessly covered and commented about Sheen's vortex of self-destruction gave little or not attention to the beginnings of what I hope will be a triumphant and empowering rise above.
Sheen admits to being out of control.
He confesses to being the "reluctant conductor" of his runaway train and not really "winning" much of anything in the last six months.
I found that declaration to be particularly insightful and the start of a life-changing and life affirming shift in the way in which he will direct his life from this moment forward.
The man has shifted from his unconscious, automatic, reactive blame-the-world-and-everyone-in-it kabuki dance to taking responsibility for the fire he admits to fueling.
Sheen is eager to lead by example — a good example — now. Instead of berating himself over his bad-boy behavior he's putting his energy and attention into learning the lessons and making profound changes.
I have every confidence that Sheen has the power and wisdom within him to do just that. I look forward to seeing what he creates as he turns his abundant talents and resources to serve the greater good of all instead of just the greater good of his misdirected ego. Its a turnaround example from which we can all learn and grow.