The Wrap has partnered with Canvs, a language analytics company that measures emotions around content, for a weekly look at some of the characters and personalities that have TV viewers the most worked up on social media. The data below covers Feb. 15-21 and is drawn from the most emotionally reacted-to television shows, including broadcast, cable, streaming and PPV.
A star baller, a zombie fighter and a cancer patient had viewers talking passionately on social media over the past week.
Of the 165,560 Emotional Reactions (ERs) surrounding the 2017 NBA All-Star game that was simulcast on TNT and TBS, 6.8 percent mentioned DeMarcus Cousins. Despite only playing in the actual game for just two minutes, Cousins was a huge conversation topic because of speculation that the Sacramento Kings were trading him — a suspicion that was later confirmed when the New Orleans Pelicans announced that he would be joining their roster.
Been a wild ride with DeMarcus Cousins in Sacramento. Seems inevitable he's leaving soon. Buddy Hield + two 1st would ease the pain ?
— Brandon Fleshman (@brandonfleshman) February 20, 2017
Absolutely disgusted and speechless right now. Can't believe we just traded DeMarcus Cousins.
— Mack III (@MackErvin7) February 20, 2017
I'm so happy for Demarcus Cousins. He deserved to be out of Sacramento/ put with good players. Now he gets AD and underrated Jrue Holiday
— Tyler Cagle (@tylermcagle) February 20, 2017
Demarcus Cousins to the Pelicans with AD would be crazy nice..Would just need a solid PG and they would be straight
— L.Brown (@zeeklzr) February 20, 2017
Of the 45,475 ERs surrounding AMC’s “The Walking Dead” on Feb. 19, 15.4 percent mentioned the character Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus). Viewers were excited to see him back in action, but some weren’t pleased with his lies to Carol, though others thought it was just to spare her feelings.
— Micha Ella (@ciaomichaella) February 20, 2017
#TheWalkingDead I guess Daryl couldn't handle Carol sobbing. That must be why he kept the truth from her. So sad.
— Anna Allred Haney (@mrsannahaney) February 20, 2017
Of the 25,432 ERs surrounding Tuesday’s episode of “This is Us” on NBC, 9.5 percent mentioned William Hill (portrayed as an adult by Ron Cephas Jones and in flashbacks by Jermel Nakia). William, suffering from stage four stomach cancer, took a road trip to his hometown of Memphis with his son Randall. Along the way, the audience was treated to flashbacks of William’s life. This proved to be an incredibly emotional episode that had many viewers in tears.
i really like how we're learning about william's life. i'm a sucker for a good backstory #ThisIsUs
— cruella de trill (@peachesanpearls) February 22, 2017
Dammit I am tearing up already! My heart can't take anything happening to William or Randall! #ThisIsUs
— NOT_TODAY! (@Blackgirlnyc44) February 22, 2017
I. AM. CRYING. IF. WILLIAM. DIES. Period. Point. Blank. I. AM. DONE. #ThisIsUs
— Mel Smith (@iamMelsmith) February 22, 2017