Writers for iPhone App Company Join WGA

Joke-of-the-day scribes are the first from the phone platform to seek guild representation

The Writers Guild of America, East, now counts scribes working on iPhone applications as signatories.

The labor guild announced Tuesday that writers for the company iLarious have signed on for union representation.

Writers for the company, which delivers 10-15 jokes a day to purchasing Apple mobile phone users, are the first iPhone-platform denizens to seek active WGA status.

According to a WGA release, iLarious founder Fred Graver, a longtime WGA member, convinced the company’s writers – who include on their resumes stops like “The Daily Show,” the Onion and “Saturday Night Live” — to sign up.

“In a couple of years, mobile will be one of the dominant forces in our industry,” Graver said. “It’s important to the founders of iLarious that we bring the best talent to the table, and that we put a stake in the ground in this newly developing territory.”
