Ben Carson as Trump’s HUD Secretary Is the Laughing Stock of Twitter

Though the black-guy-for-urban-development choice draws a serious sigh from many

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Who better to run the nation’s Housing and Urban Development than a renowned neurosurgeon?

That’s the joke a number of baffled Twitter users are going with this morning, as Donald Trump has selected Dr. Ben Carson as his HUD secretary. Of course, we don’t want to marginalize any original rants or punchlines, so scroll through our selection of some of the best tweets below.

What is certainly not a laughing matter to many is how some social media users believe the choice came about. Here’s the common wisdom best summed up by one Twitter member:

Solid, indeed.

Eleven more of the best takes are below. As a service to our industry readers, we positioned them in order of Hollywood association, tapering down to the average Joes.
